Create statistics and monitor performances easily in easy2coach
Have you ever wished for automatically generated performance analysis of your players? Do you still evaluate your players after each practice and game with paper and pen? Do you want to access training or match records within seconds and do you want to present them directly to your team? Well, easy2coach statistics could be the answer to all your questions.
The individual player statistics allows you to keep track of all player performances, no matter if training statistics, match statistics or individual player performance tests. The training statistics shows you how the player performed during training days and if his/her performance is moving into the right direction.

The individual match statistics shows the detailed performance of one player. Data like match goals, assists, subs, performance grades, different penalties or minutes played are presented to you in well structured tables and charts.
In addition, you can easily filter your results by date or team data. Let’s assume you are using easy2coach since a couple seasons so far. This means that you collected a lot of data for one player throughout multiple seasons. It is up to you now, if you want to display all data for a player (data for multiple seasons) or just for one specific season. This allows you to run detailed reports how a player really developed over many years. You can find the individual player statistics by clicking the left module “My team selection –> TEAM –> Squad –> Player –> Statistics“.

You can find the training statistics in the left module “My team selection –> TEAM –> Training –> Statistics“. If you click the first tab, you get a great overview about player attendancies like counts and percentages for attending, excused or unexcused absent, injured, not in team etc.
Of course, you can filter your results by date and you can easily export or print your reports.

The tab „Training data“ shows further important data and statistics for players like total minutes, min/training, #excused, #unexcused, #injured, average grades and many more data. Those statistics are only available for premium teams who can export all data to excel or print and share data to team members.
If you click the tab „Records“ you will find all further training records like counts for “Delayed most often”, “Injured most often” or “Attending most often”.
Finally, we do not want to forget to say a couple words about our match statistics which you can access in the left menu by clicking „My team selection –> TEAM –> Matches –> Statistics“. You can easily filter all relevant data by date and you can also include former players or external players into your statistic reports which can be exported or printed as well. The appearance statistics contains important information about your entire squad like matches played, minutes played, goals, assists and player ratings. The goal statistics provides you with very helpful information about how you scored goals and also how you received goals. It also provides charts about minutes you scored and received which kind of goals. This information can be very helpful to adjust your next training days according to your team strengths and weaknesses.

We hope you could see that easy2coach offers some really great premium features which help every coach to run detailed reports for individual players or the entire squad. Thousands of teams organize their daily work with easy2cocah PREMIUM already. When are your ready?
You can find these great features only in Try it today!