Creating powerful football training plans can be so easy with easy2coach
In order to create a complete and clear overview of a training day, including graphics, different drill groups and to print your training plans in a handy way, it usually taks a lot of time. We would even say that it is usually a complicated and tedious procedure for each coach and team.
easy2coach offers you a great solution and an easy way to organize your training days with less complexity but still highly professional and efficient. easy2coach allows you to print out well structured and perfectly organized training plans within less than 5min. In addition, teammembers and other team coaches have access to these plans if you share them.

Select your training session in the left menu and click at the top tab called “training plan”. It is now up to you to select a drill from the easy2coach database or to create a new drill yourself.
After you have selected a drill, an automatic pop-up window appears on your screen. In this pop-up you can select a training group and a training part as well as a training goal to complete the selection of the drill. We advice you to also include information regarding the drill duration, intensity etc. in the pop-up window, to ensure a long-term and efficient evaluation of your training sessions. All changes will only refer to the given drill, all other modifications will remain as standard. Adding a drill from the easy2coach database is easily done by simply clicking onto the button ‘Add to training plan’.

A ‘free drill’ will be only added, in contrast to a database drill, to the choosen training session and not to the easy2coach database. Simply click on the button ‘Add free drill’. A pop-up window will open up. You can simply enter the details regarding the drill and add the drill to the training seesion by clicking the button ‘Save’ in the popup. Now you have successfully added a free drill without adding it to the easy2coach database.

Now, it is up to you to take your team to the next level and to start saving a lot of time by creating training plans with easy2coach.
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